FUJI CHEMI TRADING CO., LTD. is a company that provides total solutions related to the Lithium-Ion Battery.
Not only to the sale of mere products and facilities, we also provide consulting services to consistently
support the manufacturing process and development.
We take a long‒term perspective with our customers, and we aim to build a good partnership
that can grow up with our customers.
We will take advantage of a variety of network and professional knowledge in the LIB industry,
continue to design and develop unique products and to seek the added value.
Tab lead
Anode / Cathode active materials, Slurry, binder, Fluid sealants film, etc.
From Coater, heater, press, laminator, until the proposed consistency line
Professional guidances and proposals by the original technical team of LIB manufacturer
Coating to the collector electrode separator, TAB bonding, punching, etc.
Related materials of LIB - Main products
Because usually the metal foil production lot of manufacturer is very big,
it is difficult to purchase the small lot of metal foil for evaluation, research and development use.
However, we sell metal foil by meters.
For purchasing, quotation and grade confirming, please contact us wiht following.
Electrolytic copper foil 20 micro m, Rolled copper foil 8 micro m, 20 micro m
Aluminum foil 10 micro m, 25 micro m
Small lot sales of Polyimide film
We make the best use of the network
of LIB industry, provide professional
engineer and information.
Consulting policy
Contact us for more details